Yes and No.

The Alt-right movement is a fringe right-wing conspiracy activity done mostly online. Its pretty hardcore anti-liberal; imagine the Tea Party, the NRA, Islamophobes, anti-Semitics…..all chiming in separately or together at various times, on online message boards and social media sites. Its a community of those with extreme right-wing views that has formed on the internet, intent on spreading anti-government theories and harassing minorities, women, and most importantly- the dreaded enemy, Liberals.

As of now, the two best known sites where this activity takes place is Breitbart News and InfoWars.

And that is where the controversy is coming in, for now, Steve Bannon, who took over the direction of Breitbart News as executive chairman after its founder and namesake died in 2012, was just hired to be the CEO of the Trump campaign. So Hillary Clinton is playing up that angle between Trump and Bannon, for Trump has already expressed some of the same stances, though not as completely off the charts Alt-right as the actual movement does.

She has taken the molehill that is Trump, and is trying to build a mountain by adding in the fact that Bannon is involved in his campaign. In other words- you are the company you keep.

So- again, Donald Trump is tied to this movement with a bit of his stances, and the fact he hired Bannon to run his campaign, yet he is not actively part of the real Alt-right movement.